Volume-12 Issue-2

Cosmetic Surgery and Body Image in Adolescents: A Psycho-Sociological Analysis of the Causes and Effects

Michael Schneider
Article PDF | Page No : 01-07

Children Abuse: The Credibility of the Victim's Testimony in the Brazilian Justice

Christopher J.Good
Article PDF | Page No : 08-17

Creation of Meaning as It Applies to Things: Analysis of Jameson’s and Baudrillard’s Arguments

B. Kim Humphreys
Article PDF | Page No : 18-20

Service Quality in Pedagogical Training Programs on SERVQUAL base Model

Melissa NagareKimura
Article PDF | Page No : 21-29

The Effects of the Levels of Scientific Processing Skills of the Students of Classroom Teachers Department on Laboratory Attitudes and Science Achievement

Kuniyoshi Kataoka
Article PDF | Page No : 30-34

Formación De Licenciados En Matemáticas En Competencias Para La Enseñanza De La Física

Alejandro Bolívar Suárez
Article PDF | Page No : 35-40