Volume-11 Issue-2, 2020

Community-Based Natural Resources Management and Rural Development in Nigeria: A Theoretical Review

Nicholas Harkness
Article PDF | Page No : 01-06

Kidnapping and Hostage-Taking in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Implication for Social Work Intervention with Victims

Barbra A.Meek
Article PDF | Page No : 07-13

Dynamics of Farmers and Herdsmen Conflict in Nigeria: The Implication to Social Work Policy Intervention

Ajibo, Henry T
Article PDF | Page No : 14-20

Instagram Usage and Its Relation to Self Esteem among American Young Adults

Netta Avineri
Article PDF | Page No : 21-31

DNA and Genealogical Evidence Suggests the Plymouth Colonists were Sephardic Jews

Elizabeth C. Hirschman
Article PDF | Page No : 32-40

Models of Individualized Instruction and Possibilities for their Application in Initial Mathematics Teaching – Teacher Perceptions

Angela M.Nonaka
Article PDF | Page No : 41-48

Can Theatre-Therapy Centered on Stanislavskj’S Method and Positive Psychology Improve Personality Traits?

Stella Conte
Article PDF | Page No : 49-52

Formación De Licenciados En Matemáticas En Competencias Para La Enseñanza De La Física

Alejandro Bolívar Suárez
Article PDF | Page No : 53-57

Flouting the Gricean Maxims in Satire

M. Dolores Porto
Article PDF | Page No : 58-64

Individual Characteristics and Earlier Sexual Behavior: A Differential Study of Teenagers’ Sexual Violence in Abidjan

Isabel Alonso Belmonte
Article PDF | Page No : 65-71

The Shattered Glass. Shakespeare’s Richard II and the Crisis of Hermeneutics

Jean-Marc Chadelat
Article PDF | Page No : 72-80